Happy 4-20 2017

Happy 4-20 day
Maryland legislators in stand-off over medical marijuana expansion
Advocates who want to diversify and expand Maryland’s medical marijuana industry are calling on the General Assembly to hold a one-day special session to get the job done.But the top politicians in Annapolis are again at odds on the issue, imperiling the chances for a deal. Democratic lawmakers agree that the state should approve five […]
Canada aims for pot legalization in 2017

Guess the Canadians see what the US government doesn’t. MONTREAL — Canada is moving to legalize pot in 2017, but dont expect it to become a new Amsterdam for Americans hoping to get a legal high just across the northern border. Canada’s Liberal Party government will introduce a law next spring to legalize recreational […]
Weed Stem Tea

…is an ancient and highly effective traditional medicine for multiple purposes in many cultures around the world.
Jeff Sessions: ‘Medical marijuana has been hyped, maybe too much’
Re Blog from AL.Com U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions took a hard-line stance against medical marijuana on Wednesday, telling reporters that use of the drug for medicinal purposes “has been hyped, maybe too much.” Sessions, who has worried pro-pot advocates and states where marijuana is legal for medicinal and recreational use, made the comments after […]
Is Warren Buffett Getting Into The Marijuana Industry? – The Weed Blog

… members of ‘traditional business’ scoffed at the marijuana industry…
Medical marijuana programs saved through April!

State medical marijuana patients can breathe a sigh of relief … for now. Congress just passed a spending bill that will keep the Department of Justice’s budget intact until April 28, 2017. This bill temporarily renews a spending provision that protects medical marijuana patients and businesses from being targeted by the DOJ as long as […]
Cannabis continues to get mainstream

Innovative Industrial Properties plans to sell 8.75 million shares …
Paraguay Government Grants Historic Import Permit for Medical Marijuana, Inc.s Real Scientific Hemp Oil(TM) Into Paraguay for Treatment of Epilepsy – MarketWatch

Paraguay Government Grants Historic Import Permit ….
The FDA just outlawed CBDs and hemp oil extracts by claiming all plant molecules now belong exclusively to Big Pharma » The Event Chronicle

MAJOR CORRECTIONS: I’m issuing a huge correction …