National Weed Day April 20th. 4/19/2014
Perfect timing to get this page up and running. Also, for as long as I can remember back to my college days our quad was the place all the stoners went on 4/20. It was not quite like the rise of the Zombies but everyone did just find their way to the quad. Why what is so special about 4/20.
According to an article published by the Huffington Post year after year it dates back to the 70’s when a group of high school students dubbed themselves the “Waldos” and would go and get high at 4:20. A brief summary can be found on the Over the years there have been great stories and the Huffington Post updates the one they have frequently.
So what is your story? How are you spending this Great Weed Day. Just for those of you reading this I do not participate, but I am interested in the topic and the research on Cannabis.
Join in and add your 2 cents on this topic. I would love to get this site kicked of with a mellow but active start.
the colors are too dark.
April 20th is also known as High Holiday or National Smoke Day. National Weed Day is an informal sub-culture holiday that takes place on April 20th annually, in honor of the marijuana buzz term 420.